Sunday was my birthday. 21 years since I breathed my first breath. Or something like that. Plus, 21 is supposedly a milestone or some such thing.
I wanted to see if this day was important to anyone in the world except for me. I mean, I know that it is. People are born and die and do important things everyday. Surely the 25th of July has not been exempt from all activity in all years of history excepting the year 1989, right? So I did a bit of research.
Alright, I'll admit it, I just wikipedia'd July 25th.
On that day in the year 306, Constantine was proclaimed Emperor by his troops. As I recall, he went on to do some fairly significant things thereafter.

In 1788, Mozart completed the Symphony Number 40 in G Minor. You may have heard of it.
In 1868, Wyoming was made a United States territory. A couple people I've known have lived in Wyoming.
The Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union was established in 1925. I guess some people "like" the Soviet Union.
I share my birthday with others, of course. I have three friends, even, that I know were born on the 25th of July. But my name will probably never appear on the Wikipedia list of significant people born on that day. I'd have to cure a disease or conquer a country or do something worthy of this level of recognition in order for that to happen. That seems unlikely at this point.
I did discover, somehow for the first time, that I share this day of celebration with some "culturally signficiant" people I enjoy.
Namely, Matt Leblanc.

Also known as Joey Tribbiani.
This day does not belong to me alone. But somehow a part of it feels mine. It feels special - but maybe only because my friends and family make it so. Otherwise, it's just like every other day. People are born. People die. People do important things.
Somehow it still feels special. I guess I'll let it keep feeling that way. Or I'll just celebrate Wyoming Territory Day.
could i BE wearing any more clothes?!?
ReplyDeleteJOeeeeey doesn't share fooooood! :)
ReplyDeleteMozart ! ! !