this week has been full, in only the best way that it can be.
I've made a church decision, which I think will be really great,
and so far, it has been. In the mornings I'm going to go to
Greenlake PCA, which is where Ryan and Amy Hughs
(the RUF campus minister) attend, and a few others from RUF.
In the evenings, I'm going to go with my roommate to
Mars Hill. I think that more than anything I just find this church
fascinating,but besides just wanting to observe the phenomenon
that this church represents, I think it will be great to go
to church with Cilla.
After church this Sunday, Mark Ribera, Carter Butaud, Cilla
and I went to Greenlake Park (not coincidentally right across
the street from Greenlake PCA) and had lunch.

Mark Ribera, he does a lot of music for RUF and GPC.

I play the guitar and make faces at you.
On Monday, I went with Brynn and a few youth to the Woodland Park Zoo in Ballard. Now, as some or most of you might know, I'm not exactly an "animal person." I know that some people are, and I think those people are still great, wonderful people. I just happen to prefer that animals keep their distance from me, in 9 out of 10 cases. I had not yet realized, though, that while this does not make me a candidate for pet ownership, it does make me perfectly suited for zoo trips: where the animals stay behind their bars and I like it that way.
Here's my friend, Elephantus (a very respectable distance away and chomping on some tasty hay -- everybody wins):

This is a Komodo Dragon. At the moment I started taking pictures, he started moving towards us. Luckily: glass cage. So I was not alarmed, and snapped several photos for your enjoyment. This friend doesn't have a name because his eyes were too scary.

This is about the cutest f-ing bird I had ever seen. It's some kind of owl, and I love him. I think because he is small and raised in captivity, so he doesn't fly, and just perches on old lady zookeeper's finger. CUTE.

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

This dude was just chillin like a villain.

Eagle and the sweet awesome nest.

These are a couple of our youth that came to the zoo with us! This is C, and she is around pretty often these days, which is awesome. She has a kitten in that grey frontpack of hers. She didn't steal it from the zoo.

This is M and Brynn. He is awesome, also. His birthday is three days before mine, so we are super buddies.

On Tuesday, we had the first Summer RUF! It is really awesome to go to RUF. This summer we are studying spiritual disciplines, and going through The Celebration of Discipline, which many of you have read and gone through with OURUF Relish and maybe hated. I'm looking forward to seeing/hearing Ryan's perspective on it, it should be great. :)
After RUF we went to a nearby highschool football field and played Ultimate Frisbee. It was almost 10 by the time we got there, so we had glowing frisbees and glow-wristbands in pink and green to indicate teams. It was actually really awesome. Here's Mark and Jessie brandishing their glow things.

Jessie had organized an event on facebook for some people to go to see the midnight premier of the new "Twilight" movie. While I had not read the books or seen the earlier movies, I really enjoy midnight premiers, and since Twilight had come recommended by many and also hated on by some, I thought I would take the opportunity to see for myself how it was. Here I am, post-ticket purchasing, with friend Jillian showing up in the background. :)

On Wednesday after work, Cilla called to pick me and up and see if I wanted to drive down to Tacoma with her to her parents' house. Her sister Lizzie had just that day gotten back from a missions trip to Belize, so Mark and I joined the Johnsons for an awesome steak dinner and picture slideshow from Lizzie. After dinner, Cilla somehow talked Mark and I into jumping into the lake with her.

It was cold.
On Thursday after work, I walked over to Cilla's brother's house and met her there. Her brother's band, "
Hot Bodies in Motion" was playing for their neighborhood block party, so they got to set up right outside their house and play to the street full of neighbors. It was a really fun party to crash! Plus the band is really great.
This is Cilla's brother Scott! That guitar in his hand is handmade. By him. He's going to fix my guitar before I leave! Huzzah!
This is tambourine sweater man. That is all we know about him. And thus, we love him. Because even if that is all you know, how can you help but love him?